
fallen down完整版歌词

滴答滴答— 发表于:2024-06-09 点击:72



Papaya falling down木瓜是指papaya,掉下来则是falling down,因此歌词应该是“Papaya falling down”这首歌可能是一首儿歌或较为轻松的歌曲,通过简单的歌词和旋律来吸引儿童或年轻人的注意力。 木瓜掉落的场景也可以引发想象和好奇,增加歌曲的趣味性。


"Fallin'"是一首由美国歌手 Alicia Keys 创作和演唱的歌曲,以下是其中的部分歌词,其中包含 "fallin' " 的表达。 I keep on fallin' In and out of love with you Sometimes I love ya Sometimes you make me blue Sometimes I feel good At times I feel used Lovin' you darlin' Makes me so confused I am fallin' I am fallin' Fallin' Fall Oh, fallin' 这首歌表达了对爱情的复杂感情,有时爱有时痛,有时快乐有时沮丧,正如木瓜掉落的不稳定性。"Fallin'"这个词在这首歌中被反复提到,传达出一种深情和脆弱的感觉。


Long Long Journey City lights shine on the harbour, 城市的灯光照耀在港湾 night has fallen down, 夜晚降临 through the darkness and the shadow I will still go on. 在暗夜中我继续行进 Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; 漫漫长夜漫漫长路 but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home? 无论大海多么广阔也阻止不了一颗要回家的心 Where the road runs through the valley, where the river flows, I will follow every highway to the place I know. 沿着山谷的小路河水的流淌我遵循着我要走的路 Long, long journey through the darkness, long, long way to go; 漫漫长夜漫漫长路 but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home? 无论大海多么广阔也阻止不了一颗要回家的心 Long, long journey out of nowhere, long, long way to go; but what are sighs and what is sadness to the heart that's coming home 无视漫漫的长路,叹气和伤感也阻止不了一颗要回家的心

Fallen Down是什么意思?

Fallen Down 英 [ˈfɔːlən daʊn] 美 [ˈfɔːlən daʊn] 倒下

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