
永远不说再见 英文翻译是什么

人心太凉、别太善良 发表于:2024-06-09 点击:63



never say goodbye,直译做永远不说再见.但译作心底里从未告别,则更为贴切.心底里从未告别,出自辉煌的经典不可重复乐队beyond曲目《原谅我今天》.不言再见?不愿放弃,心中是一种执着信念.never say goodbye!不是简单的但愿情缘可会某日再返,而是这胸中热情与挚爱从未消退!never say goodbye,最著名的是hayley版和韩剧版.


i'm used to the curtain's rise and fill.,i imagined there'd be more tomorrows.never thought smiling faces would make me so sad.i'm used to having you always beside me.i can't imagine life without you. tears shelter my heartache you see the light. the farewell will set you free. our eyes are windows on our hearts. you're the most precious gift in my life. hard to say goodbye. your smile lingers in front of me. hard to say goodbye. i'll never forget the moment you turned way. may a brand new world await me tomorrow. i hope we will meet again. hard to say goodbye. your smile lingers in front of me. hard to say goodbye. i'll never forget the moment you turned way. may a brand new world await me tomorrow. i hope we will meet again.

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